"Greenwashing in Fashion" Lisa New and William Lana (Greenfibres) on GOTS certified textiles
Below is an article from our guest authors Lisa New and William Lana, the directors of the Greenfibres brand. Greenfibres has been...
"Greenwashing in Fashion" Lisa New and William Lana (Greenfibres) on GOTS certified textiles
"If it’s itchy, then scratch it!" Susie Hewson (Natracare) on Greenwashing in personal care products
Organic cotton vs Conventional cotton - worlds apart
Organic Textile Week Poll
Organic Textiles Types
Why Organic textiles are good for nature, wildlife, and people
Greenwashing in Textiles
does your t-shirt have stains? Why we need to support organic cotton
GOTS and Sustainable Fashion
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